Fatface Flying Birds Deep Filled Duvet

Summary Details: Fatface flying birds deep filled duvet.'. '.strtoupper('t')he new fatface beds are a range of stunning pet beds that not only look great and are comfy but have a positive impact on our natural environment, people and local communities.'. '.strtoupper('f')l...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£43.99
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£43.99
  • Delivery or Postage:£4.99
  • Total Cost:£48.98

Doggie Solutions - We sell a wide range of high quality dog and cat products to choose from, including memory foam dog beds and dog crates to collars and leads as well as a wide range of dog and cat toys. We are positive you will find something your dog & cat will adore.

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Fatface flying birds deep filled duvet.'. '.strtoupper('t')he new fatface beds are a range of stunning pet beds that not only look great and are comfy but have a positive impact on our natural environment, people and local communities.'. '.strtoupper('f')lying birds two beautiful fatface prints featuring birds, paired together to create a fresh design and both printed on 100% cotton.'. '.strtoupper('m')ade fully in the uk.'. '.strtoupper('t')he collection is filled with 100% recycled fibre, made from plastic bottles.'. '.strtoupper('a')vailable in 2 sizes'. '.strtoupper('a')ll measurements given are subject to slight variations due to manufacturing process.'. '.strtoupper('m')edium 71 x 98cm.'. '.strtoupper('l')arge 87 x 138cm.'. '.strtoupper('p')lease ensure this bed is suitable for your pet's preferences, chewing habits and size, remembering that no bed is completely indestructible.

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