Groom Professional Rimini Tunic Pink Trim 42

Summary Details: Groom professional rimini tunic pink groom professional realize how important it is for grooming clothes to be functional to the job but also give off a good look to impress customers'. '.strtoupper('w')ith that in mind groom professional have added anothe...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£29.95
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
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  • Delivery or Postage:£4.95
  • Total Cost:£34.90

Christies Direct - Suppliers of animal grooming products and pet accessories. Our aim is to be the one stop shop for all your animal needs. We go searching for the best bathing products, clippers & trimmers, grooming products, tools & salon accessories so you won't have to.

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Groom professional rimini tunic pink groom professional realize how important it is for grooming clothes to be functional to the job but also give off a good look to impress customers'. '.strtoupper('w')ith that in mind groom professional have added another stylish looking jacket to their range'. '.strtoupper('t')he rimini jacket has a stylish black off centre zip and front pocket'. '.strtoupper('s')hort sleeves with the groom professional logo on the back'. '.strtoupper('s')ize guide measurement round chest small 38 medium 40 large 42 x large 44 xx large 46 xxx large 48

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