Showseason Bliss Shampoo 38 Litre 1 Gal

Summary Details: Show season bliss shampoo show season animal products, is committed to creating the best products in the grooming industry that enhance the lives of professional groomers and the pets they service'. '.strtoupper('d')on't we all deserve a bit of blissful ha...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£33.75
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£33.75
  • Delivery or Postage:£4.95
  • Total Cost:£38.70

Christies Direct - Suppliers of animal grooming products and pet accessories. Our aim is to be the one stop shop for all your animal needs. We go searching for the best bathing products, clippers & trimmers, grooming products, tools & salon accessories so you won't have to.

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Show season bliss shampoo show season animal products, is committed to creating the best products in the grooming industry that enhance the lives of professional groomers and the pets they service'. '.strtoupper('d')on't we all deserve a bit of blissful happiness'? '.strtoupper('a') truly delightful smelling shampoo which you and your clients will fall in love with'! '.strtoupper('s')uitable for all coat types'. '.strtoupper('l')eaves a soft, clean coat'. '.strtoupper('s')oftly sweet with the added touch of fruit scent'. '.strtoupper('e')conomical dilution 321'. '.strtoupper('s')uits all coat types leaves coat soft clean long lasting fruity scent dilution 321 cologne match bliss cologne.

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