Sound Mouse Cat Toy 1 Toy

Summary Details: Inside this cheeky mouse is a sound chip that reacts to the slightest touch, giving out such lifelike squeaks that your cat can't help but give chase'. '.strtoupper('t')he mouse is attached to an elastic cord use the rod to play exciting hunting games with...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£1.69
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£1.69
  • Delivery or Postage:£2.99
  • Total Cost:£4.68

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Inside this cheeky mouse is a sound chip that reacts to the slightest touch, giving out such lifelike squeaks that your cat can't help but give chase'. '.strtoupper('t')he mouse is attached to an elastic cord use the rod to play exciting hunting games with your cat'. '.strtoupper('s')ound mouse cat toy at a glance with sound chip creates lifelike squeaks when touched dimensions total length approx'. '.strtoupper('1')20cm rod approx'. '.strtoupper('5')0cm line approx'. '.strtoupper('6')5cm mouse body approx'. '.strtoupper('5').5 x 4 cm l x h feather tail approx'. '.strtoupper('7')cm with integrated battery non replaceable please note no toy is completely indestructible'. '.strtoupper('a')s with any other product, please supervise your pet with this toy'. '.strtoupper('c')heck the product regularly for damage, and replace the toy if it is damaged or missing any pieces to avoid potential injury to your pet'. '.strtoupper('n')ote on battery disposal many devices come with batteries, which for example are used to operate remote controls'. '.strtoupper('b')atteries or rechargeable batteries can also be permanently installed in the devices themselves'. '.strtoupper('i')n connection with the sale of these batteries or rechargeable batteries, we as a business are obliged in accordance with applicable battery laws regulations to inform our customers of the following batteries must not be disposed of with normal household waste'. '.strtoupper('p')lease dispose of old batteries as required by law at a civic amenity site or hand them in at a local store free of charge'. '.strtoupper('o')ur take back obligation extends to used batteries of the type that we carry or have carried in our range as new batteries, as well as the quantities that end users usually dispose of'. '.strtoupper('y')ou can return these to us free of charge after use at the address below or send them back to us with sufficient postage'. '.strtoupper('z')ooplus se c o dirks consumer logistics gmbh bergener ring 600 d 01458 ottendorf okrilla batteries containing pollutants are marked with the symbol of a crossed out wheel bin and the chemical symbol of the heavy metal that is decisive for the classification as pollutant'. '.strtoupper('c')d stands for cadmium, pb for lead and hg for mercury.

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