Trixie Activity Stick Game Rod Board 35 X 195cm L X W

Summary Details: Please note this product might take a little longer to arrive as it may be shipped from outside the uk'. '.strtoupper('d')ogs and cats are intelligent animals that need challenges in their daily lives'! '.strtoupper('t')he trixie rod board stick activity g...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£13.19
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  • Delivery or Postage:£2.99
  • Total Cost:£16.18

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Please note this product might take a little longer to arrive as it may be shipped from outside the uk'. '.strtoupper('d')ogs and cats are intelligent animals that need challenges in their daily lives'! '.strtoupper('t')he trixie rod board stick activity game is a brain teasing toy equipped with movable rods and lots of places to hide treats'. '.strtoupper('y')ou can place dry food and treats inside, which your pet then has to skillfully and patiently retrieve – it's fun, keeps them busy, and also helps prevent gulping down food too quickly'. '.strtoupper('t')hanks to the non slip bottom with rubber feet, the trixie rod board stick activity game stays in place, even when your furry friend gets a bit more enthusiastic in their search for snacks'. '.strtoupper('t')he included instructions guide you in offering your pet the perfect training program'. '.strtoupper('f')or maximum convenience, the game board is also dishwasher safe'. '.strtoupper('t')rixie rod board stick activity game at a glance fun intelligence toy for dogs and cats exciting board game with numerous recesses for dry food and snacks, covered by multiple rods that must be moved to access the treats'. '.strtoupper('m')entally engaging promotes mental stimulation'. '.strtoupper('p')revents gulping slower snack intake due to prolonged engagement'. '.strtoupper('s')tays in place non slip bottom with rubber feet'. '.strtoupper('a')ll inclusive comes with training instructions'. '.strtoupper('e')asy to clean dishwasher safe'. '.strtoupper('d')ifficulty level level 1'. '.strtoupper('c')olour white blue'. '.strtoupper('m')aterial plastic'. '.strtoupper('d')imensions l 35 x w 19.5cm'. '.strtoupper('n')ote for pet use only'. '.strtoupper('n')ot suitable for children'! '.strtoupper('n')ever leave pets unattended with the toy'. '.strtoupper('n')o toy is indestructible'. '.strtoupper('d')o not allow your pet to continue using a toy that is damaged, broken, or has missing parts'. '.strtoupper('i')f small parts are accidentally swallowed, seek veterinary attention immediately'. '.strtoupper('k')eep away from heat sources and open flames'. '.strtoupper('d')ispose of the product and packaging materials in accordance with local regulations and standards.

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