Trixie Food Ball Diameter 12cm

Summary Details: The food ball protects food from soiling and makes small pets work for their meals in a playful fashion just watch your pet crane and stretch to try and get at the tasty treats inside'. '.strtoupper('a')s well as the height, the ball swings around on the e...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£3.29
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£3.29
  • Delivery or Postage:£2.99
  • Total Cost:£6.28

Zooplus - We offer an extensive product range for animal lovers, including food and accessories for dogs, cats, fish, reptiles and small pets. We strive to offer top quality products at the best prices with first-class service of all major brands of pet supplies.

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The food ball protects food from soiling and makes small pets work for their meals in a playful fashion just watch your pet crane and stretch to try and get at the tasty treats inside'. '.strtoupper('a')s well as the height, the ball swings around on the end of its chain, keeping pets busy even longer'. '.strtoupper('a') great toy for all small pets except hamsters'. '.strtoupper('b')ar spacing food ball Ø 8 cm 2,5 cm food ball Ø 12 cm 3.5 cm caution the food ball is not suitable for hamsters or mice'. '.strtoupper('p')lease always check before using the item that your pets head cannot fit through the bar spacing.

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