With this stylish metal feeding system, you can offer different food types and feeders at the same time'. '.strtoupper('t')his allows you to easily attract different bird species to your garden'. '.strtoupper('a')fter all, a large diversity...
Price: £49.99
This stylish poling system allows you to offer a variety of foods and feeders, helping you attract more species to your garden'. '.strtoupper('t')he greater the selection, the more birds that will visit'. '.strtoupper('t')his pole system consists of 3...
Price: £59.99
The bird feeder pole can easily be inserted into the ground, in a lawn, border or flower pot on your balcony, and the 'fork' style base helps maintain stability'. '.strtoupper('t')he crook pole is extendible so you can choose the desired height, ranging...
Price: £29.99