This value for money plastic seed feeder is a good introductory product and includes a unique folding perch design and removable ports for easy cleaning'. '.strtoupper('s')eeds and seed mixes will appeal to a wide variety of garden bird species'. '.strtoupper('t')he...
Price: £3.99
This value for money plastic feeder is a good introductory product and is ideal for those new to bird feeding, or those with small gardens or balconies'. '.strtoupper('t')he feeder has a metal wire mesh allowing you to feed peanuts safely to your garden...
Price: £3.99
Our bird seed feeders are designed and tested by our own team of ornithologists, which helps to make sure our feeders meet the needs of the birds, as well as the needs of our customers'. '.strtoupper('a')s the name suggests, the challenger 4 port plastic...
Price: £13.99