This national trust fat ball feeding ring will hold up to six national trust ultimate fat balls at one time available separately'. '.strtoupper('s')imply hang from a hook, bracket or branch and watch the birds flock to it'. '.strtoupper('a')ttract a variety...
Price: £8.49
This ring of mixed bird seeds is a hit with both seed eaters and suet lovers'. '.strtoupper('t')he ring is full of various seeds which are packed with nutrients and energy'. '.strtoupper('t')he mix of seeds encourages lots of bird species to have a taste'....
Price: £2.49
This ring of sunflower cores is full of energy'. '.strtoupper('i')n addition, the birds do not have to waste time peeling the seeds and can eat from this high calorie snack'. '.strtoupper('
Price: £2.99