The kite skua cases are designed to provide maximum protection for scopes'. '.strtoupper('p')rotection in the field, as well as protection during transportation and storage'. '.strtoupper('a')s kite optics invented the scope protection cases and was the...
Price: £89.99
This case is made from waterproof neoprene, fitting tightly around the scope to provide maximum protection'. '.strtoupper('t')he zoom and focus wheel can be manipulated 360° round'. '.strtoupper('n')o other case than the kite skua case will allow...
Price: £64.99
A luxurious glasses case featuring a stunning bird design by elwin van der kolk, a renowned dutch nature painter'. '.strtoupper('t')he inside of the glasses case is black'. '.strtoupper('i')ncludes a matching 18 x 25 cm glasses cloth.
Price: £9.99