This mug features a heartwarming illustration of a robin against a pale green background'. '.strtoupper('i')n 2008 myrte began drawing a kingfisher, then she couldnapost stop drawing nature'. '.strtoupper('f')rom childhood, myrte has a great love for...
Price: £4.99
This 100% cotton bag is printed with a heartwarming illustration by myrte, depicting a beautiful deer and fawn on a pale blue background'. '.strtoupper('t')he bag has shoulder straps and is easily foldable, so you can carry with you for whenever you may...
Price: £8.99
This 100% cotton bag is printed with a stunning illustration by myrte of a kingfisher perched on a branch on a pale blue background'. '.strtoupper('t')he bag has shoulder straps and is easily foldable, so you can carry with you for whenever you may need...
Price: £8.99