National Trust Waterford Peanut Butter Bird Feeder

Summary Details: The waterford longford bird feeders have a protective guard designed to deter larger birds and squirrels, ensuring that smaller birds have a protected source of bird food'. '.strtoupper('c')onveniently, jars of our peanut butter for birds and twist and fee...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£17.99
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  • Total Cost:£17.99

CJ Wildlife - We offer a wide variety of high-quality products for garden birds, hedgehogs, squirrels, bats and insects. In addition to our wild bird and wildlife foods, we also supply our own nest boxes, bird boxes, hedgehog houses, squirrel houses and frog bunkers.

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The waterford longford bird feeders have a protective guard designed to deter larger birds and squirrels, ensuring that smaller birds have a protected source of bird food'. '.strtoupper('c')onveniently, jars of our peanut butter for birds and twist and feed range can be easily fitted from the rear of the feeders, 1 in the waterford and 3 in the longford'. '.strtoupper('p')eanuts are naturally high in calories and when blended into butter, make a tasty high energy treat for birds'. '.strtoupper('w')e havenapost added any salt into our recipe, ensuring that this blend is nutritionally balanced and safe for your garden birds'. '.strtoupper('p')eanut butter intended for human consumption contains up to 100 times more salt than our specialist blend and should not be fed to garden birds or wildlife'. '.strtoupper('m')easurements  waterford 20x21.5x19.5cm longford 29x27.5x21.5cm peanut butter not included

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