Nest Box Plate 32mm

Summary Details: Designed for use with wooden nest boxes, the plate screws directly over the nest box hole to prevent squirrels, woodpeckers and other predators enlarging the hole to reach the young birds inside'. '.strtoupper('w')e recommend that the nest box plate is fit...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£2.99
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£2.99
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£2.99

CJ Wildlife - We offer a wide variety of high-quality products for garden birds, hedgehogs, squirrels, bats and insects. In addition to our wild bird and wildlife foods, we also supply our own nest boxes, bird boxes, hedgehog houses, squirrel houses and frog bunkers.

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Designed for use with wooden nest boxes, the plate screws directly over the nest box hole to prevent squirrels, woodpeckers and other predators enlarging the hole to reach the young birds inside'. '.strtoupper('w')e recommend that the nest box plate is fitted before the start of the breeding season february to avoid disturbance of nesting birds'. '.strtoupper('u')se the screws provided to fit the plate cover over the nest box hole'. '.strtoupper('3')2mm hole size suitable for great tit, house sparrow, tree sparrow, nuthatch and pied flycatcher'. '.strtoupper('2')8mm hole size suitable for blue tit, coal tit, crested tid, great tit, marsh tit, tree sparrow and willow tit.

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