Draper Hi Torq Stubby Flexible Head Ratchet Combination Spanner 8mm

Summary Details: This draper hi torq® metric stubby flexible head ratchet combination spanner is forged from chrome vanadium steel that is hardened, tempered, fully polished and mirror chrome plated for corrosion protection'. '.strtoupper('t')he open end is offset at 15°...
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  • Total Cost:£11.44

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This draper hi torq® metric stubby flexible head ratchet combination spanner is forged from chrome vanadium steel that is hardened, tempered, fully polished and mirror chrome plated for corrosion protection'. '.strtoupper('t')he open end is offset at 15°'. '.strtoupper('t')he 180° flex head ring end has a 90 tooth ratchet mechanism allowing 4° movement, enabling use in tight spaces'. '.strtoupper('t')he 12 point hi torq® delivers maximum leverage by transferring torque to the flats and preventing slipping or damage to the fastener'. '.strtoupper('f')eatures and benefits bull 180° flex head and 90 tooth ratchet mechanism bull the 4° movement enables use in tight spaces bull forged from chrome vanadium steel that is hardened, tempered, fully polished and mirror chrome plated bull optimal leverage through 12 point hi torq® ring end bull the compact length enables access where space is limited specifications length 88mm contents 1 x draper hi torq® metric stubby flexible head ratchet combination spanner, 8mm

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