Knipex 12 52 195 Precistrip16 Automatic Insulation Stripper

Summary Details: Knipex stripper range knipex 12 52 195, knipex 12 52 195 precistrip16 automatic insulation stripper for precise stripping of fine wires and solid round cables with a wide capacity range from 0.08 to 16 mmsup2 with only one pair of pliers'. '.strtoupper('g'...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£99.64
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  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£99.64

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Knipex stripper range knipex 12 52 195, knipex 12 52 195 precistrip16 automatic insulation stripper for precise stripping of fine wires and solid round cables with a wide capacity range from 0.08 to 16 mmsup2 with only one pair of pliers'. '.strtoupper('g')ood grip provided by semi circular grooved metal holding clamps exact cut thanks to parabolic stripping blade.a patented automatism regulates the depth of the cut the neutral point of the automatism can be adjusted in fine steps in special operating conditions insulation material, temperature'. '.strtoupper('w')ith adjustable length stop for precision work repeated accurately each time.inscription area for customisation and comfortable operation with ergonomic dual component handle'. '.strtoupper('w')ith tether attachment point, suitable for knipex tethered tools accessories and easily replaceable blade cassette'. '.strtoupper('k')nipex 12 52 195 precistrip16 automatic insulation stripper

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