Deluxe Gas Barbecue 41 Burner

Summary Details: Deluxe gas barbecue 41 burner black specification colour black and stainless steel material stainless steel and metal overall dimensions 128l x 50w x 113hcm grill rack dimensions 62l x 38wcm grill rack height 86cm warming rack dimensions 55l x 10wcm side s...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£325.00
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£325.00
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£325.00

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Deluxe gas barbecue 41 burner black specification colour black and stainless steel material stainless steel and metal overall dimensions 128l x 50w x 113hcm grill rack dimensions 62l x 38wcm grill rack height 86cm warming rack dimensions 55l x 10wcm side shelf dimensions 32l x 446wcm cabinet interior dimensions 645l x 34w x 52hcm 4 main burners power 3kw10000btuhr 1 side burner power 32kw11000btuhr shelf weight capacity 5kg cabinet weight capacity 75kg note regulator and hose are not included pipe size diameter8mm lengt08m

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