Fig Tree Ficus Carica Patio Standard

Summary Details: Fig tree ficus carica patio standard customers should check whether plants are suitable for their homes and gardens before purchasing plant size and appearance like all plants the sizes will vary and are approximate where a height is given this will includ...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£39.49
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£39.49
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£39.49

Garden Chic - A collection of high quality grow your own products designed to give a 'hands on' approach in the garden from potting tables, raised bed builders, cloche and garden planters you're bound to find something to suit your own personality and style.

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Fig tree ficus carica patio standard customers should check whether plants are suitable for their homes and gardens before purchasing plant size and appearance like all plants the sizes will vary and are approximate where a height is given this will include the pot images shown are for guidance only and show what can be expected as the plant matures plants supplied will vary as to the season may have been pruned as per good horticultural practice and may be dormant in winter please note we do not ship to the channel islands or northern ireland

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