Alstromeria Compact Collection 6 Jumbo Round Plants

Summary Details: Stunning colour for your summer gardenchosen especially for their small habit and hardiness, these are the number one choice for smaller gardens'. '.strtoupper('i')deal for patio containers, even the patio table'. '.strtoupper('t')hey are great for long la...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£25.99
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  • Total Cost:£25.99

Jersey Plants Direct - Jersey Plants Direct deliver quality and value plants including mothers day flowers, Spring plug plants, premium perennials, Spring garden ready plants, Spring cutting raised plants, roses and fruits. Begonias, Petunias, Geraniums, Marigolds, Fuchsias and

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Stunning colour for your summer gardenchosen especially for their small habit and hardiness, these are the number one choice for smaller gardens'. '.strtoupper('i')deal for patio containers, even the patio table'. '.strtoupper('t')hey are great for long lasting cut flowers'. '.strtoupper('b')red by jean pierre turc a well known alstroemeria expert

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