Replacement Mason Bee Tubes 100

Summary Details: Mason bees are excellent pollinators of a wide variety of spring and summer blooming trees, flowers, fruit and herbs'. '.strtoupper('s')imply place a mason bee nest in your garden facing due south, in full sun not dappled shade and pointing slightly down f...
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  • Total Cost:£24.99

CJ Wildlife - Wildlife friendly plants can provide suitable nesting sites, areas for shelter and edible berries for birds and mammals, as well as flowers which will attract beneficial insects.

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Mason bees are excellent pollinators of a wide variety of spring and summer blooming trees, flowers, fruit and herbs'. '.strtoupper('s')imply place a mason bee nest in your garden facing due south, in full sun not dappled shade and pointing slightly down for drainage, to attract the bees and provide them with a safe nesting habitat'. '.strtoupper('t')hese replacement mason bee tubes include the red mason bee straws with plastic cap'. '.strtoupper('r')ed mason bee straws are the inner paper insert for bee tubes'. '.strtoupper('t')hey come complete with a plastic cap on one end ready to be slotted into the nest tubes'. '.strtoupper('t')his means you are able to clean out your red mason bee tubes and replace the paper inserts each season without having to replace the complete tube'. '.strtoupper('t')hese tubes can be inserted into the cj wildlife red mason bee nest box capacity 29 to replace old or tired tubes'. '.strtoupper('t')he dimensions of the replacement mason bee tubes are 150mm long and have an inner tube diameter of 7 8mm.

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