A fabulous tumbling filler for hanging baskets!these vibrant, trailing verbena plants are guaranteed to provide you with a blaze of colour all summer long until the first frosts'. '.strtoupper('w')ith large blooms in shades of purple, red and white and...
Price: £10.99
Excellent resistance to mildew!verbena trailing is a compact variety which will provide you with a wealth of large blooms in shades of red, white and violet which will look absolutely stunning cascading over the sides of your containers and baskets'....
Price: £14.99
The gardeners favouritethis tried and tested classic will provide you with a profusion of flowers in stunning shades of deep red, dusty pinks and pure white all summer long and up until the first frosts'. '.strtoupper('c')ompact in habit, verbena glory...
Price: £15.99