Cress Seeds Curled

Summary Details: Can be grown indoors all the year round'. '.strtoupper('s')ow on moist tissue and cover with glass or paper until seed germinates'. '.strtoupper('t')o mature with mustard sow two days in advance'. '.strtoupper('r')eady in just 6 8 days'. '.strtoupper('2')7...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£1.55
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£1.55
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£1.55

Suttons Seeds - Suttons inspire your garden with there fabulous seeds that can be grown by an adult or even a child, making it fun for them to enjoy the garden. We have vegetable plants, bulbs, lawn seeds, flower seeds, bedding plants, wildlife seeds, baby vegetable seed

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Can be grown indoors all the year round'. '.strtoupper('s')ow on moist tissue and cover with glass or paper until seed germinates'. '.strtoupper('t')o mature with mustard sow two days in advance'. '.strtoupper('r')eady in just 6 8 days'. '.strtoupper('2')7 grams.small spaces made easy'! '.strtoupper('a')re you feeling left behind by the grow your own revolution because you live in a gardenless apartment or have a postage stamp sized patio'? '.strtoupper('d')ont worry anyone with a sunny windowsill, patio, or balcony can cultivate home grown vegetables'. '.strtoupper('i')n fact, choosing plants that are nutritious, delicious, and attractive is the ultimate way to maximise limited space'. '.strtoupper('w')eve tried and tested these varieties suitable for small spaces and know theyll succeed, but thats not to say there arent other vegetable seeds that you could try!

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