Herb Seed Basil Summer Surprise

Summary Details: Deep purple leaves and stems make a colourful alternative to the common green basil in a wide range of dishes, including salads, pasta, pizza and tomato dishes'. '.strtoupper('c')an be grown as a microgreen on a windowsill ready in just 21 days!delicious i...
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  • Total Cost:£1.99

Suttons Seeds - Suttons inspire your garden with there fabulous seeds that can be grown by an adult or even a child, making it fun for them to enjoy the garden. We have vegetable plants, bulbs, lawn seeds, flower seeds, bedding plants, wildlife seeds, baby vegetable seed

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Deep purple leaves and stems make a colourful alternative to the common green basil in a wide range of dishes, including salads, pasta, pizza and tomato dishes'. '.strtoupper('c')an be grown as a microgreen on a windowsill ready in just 21 days!delicious in salads and pasta

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