Onion Seeds Isobel Rose

Summary Details: White and pink coloured internal rings which become pinker when the onion is stored'. '.strtoupper('l')ess pungent than red varieties, it is ideal for use raw in salads and sandwiches and can add interest to the veg patch if grown alongside your white and ...
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  • Total Cost:£2.99

Suttons Seeds - Suttons inspire your garden with there fabulous seeds that can be grown by an adult or even a child, making it fun for them to enjoy the garden. We have vegetable plants, bulbs, lawn seeds, flower seeds, bedding plants, wildlife seeds, baby vegetable seed

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White and pink coloured internal rings which become pinker when the onion is stored'. '.strtoupper('l')ess pungent than red varieties, it is ideal for use raw in salads and sandwiches and can add interest to the veg patch if grown alongside your white and red onions'. '.strtoupper('b')red in lincolnshire, uk, so perfect to grow in our climate'. '.strtoupper('h')arvest july september height 30 40cm 12 16.

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