For salads with a spicy twist, choose this mix of rocket, red giant mustard, green wave mustard and mizuna kyoto'. '.strtoupper('r')eady to eat in just 3 weeks.why buy salad leaves from the supermarket when you can grow them easily at home'? '.strtoupper('a')nd...
Price: £2.79
Grow salads with the flavours of the west coast of the usa with this mild flavoured mix of mustard golden streaks, komatsuna, purple choy sum, greek cress and wild rocket'. '.strtoupper('r')eady to eat in just 3 weeks.why buy salad leaves from the supermarket...
Price: £2.79
A leaf mixture that can be sown up to october outdoors, for picking leaves over winter, or sown through the winter under glass or on a windowsill'. '.strtoupper('r')eady to eat in just 3 weeks.why buy salad leaves from the supermarket when you can grow...
Price: £2.79