Blueberry Collection 3 Plants 2 Litre Pot

Summary Details: A delight to both the eye palate!who doesn't love blueberries'? '.strtoupper('p')acked full of anti oxidants, high in minerals and vitamin c and oh so tasty'! '.strtoupper('w')e have put together this collection of three fully hardy and high yielding varie...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£39.98
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  • Total Cost:£39.98

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A delight to both the eye palate!who doesn't love blueberries'? '.strtoupper('p')acked full of anti oxidants, high in minerals and vitamin c and oh so tasty'! '.strtoupper('w')e have put together this collection of three fully hardy and high yielding varieties allowing you to produce your own blueberries year after year'. '.strtoupper('t')hey also make superb ornamental shrubs and can be used for hedging'. '.strtoupper('y')ou will receive one of each of the following varieties blueberry bluejay a very vigorous grower offering a long harvest of favourable blueberries with a wonderful firm texture from july to august'. '.strtoupper('b')lueberry jersey one of the most dependable varieties and a favourite with home gardeners'. '.strtoupper('p')roduces high yields of sweet fruits from late july to august'. '.strtoupper('b')lueberry pink lemonade a real garden novelty'! '.strtoupper('w')ill produce masses of pink blueberries from august to october'. '.strtoupper('a')lso a superb ornamental shrub with all year round garden interest.

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