Blueberry Jersey 3x2 Litre Pots

Summary Details: A taste sensation like no other!an old favourite and dependable variety which will provide you with an abundance of the sweetest tasting fruits you have ever tried'. '.strtoupper('a') heavy cropper, blueberry jersey can produce up to 15 pounds of fruits fr...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£39.98
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£39.98
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£39.98

Jersey Plants Direct - Jersey Plants Direct deliver quality and value plants including mothers day flowers, Spring plug plants, premium perennials, Spring garden ready plants, Spring cutting raised plants, roses and fruits. Begonias, Petunias, Geraniums, Marigolds, Fuchsias and

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A taste sensation like no other!an old favourite and dependable variety which will provide you with an abundance of the sweetest tasting fruits you have ever tried'. '.strtoupper('a') heavy cropper, blueberry jersey can produce up to 15 pounds of fruits from late july to august'. '.strtoupper('f')amous for its cold hardiness, these vigorous plants offer super autumn colour and make wonderful ornamental shrubs and upright hedges.

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