Iceberg Climbing Rose 1 Bare Root Plant

Summary Details: Prolific bloomer!very floriferous throughout the season, it is sure to amaze you with its abundance of ruffled, pristine white blooms from june right through to october'. '.strtoupper('l')arge clusters of medium sized flowers adorn this perfumed favourite,...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£11.99
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  • Total Cost:£11.99

Jersey Plants Direct - Jersey Plants Direct deliver quality and value plants including mothers day flowers, Spring plug plants, premium perennials, Spring garden ready plants, Spring cutting raised plants, roses and fruits. Begonias, Petunias, Geraniums, Marigolds, Fuchsias and

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Prolific bloomer!very floriferous throughout the season, it is sure to amaze you with its abundance of ruffled, pristine white blooms from june right through to october'. '.strtoupper('l')arge clusters of medium sized flowers adorn this perfumed favourite, year after year'. '.strtoupper('i')deal for wall coverage fences and any unsightly areas you want to disguise.

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