Rolawn Groright Lawn Establishment Fertiliser 5kg

Summary Details: Slow release pre turfing and seeding fertiliser that feeds turf and seed from the roots up'. '.strtoupper('g')roright lawn establishment fertiliser ensures your new lawn gets off to the best possible start'. '.strtoupper('u')se all year round in any soil t...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£25.50
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£25.50
  • Delivery or Postage:£4.99
  • Total Cost:£30.49

Rolawn Direct - Beautiful gardens start here with Britian's finest turf. We deliver to your door top quality lawn turf, lawn seed and lawn fertiliser, topsoil, lawn topdressing, garden turf, compost, soil improver and bark chippings.

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Slow release pre turfing and seeding fertiliser that feeds turf and seed from the roots up'. '.strtoupper('g')roright lawn establishment fertiliser ensures your new lawn gets off to the best possible start'. '.strtoupper('u')se all year round in any soil type'. '.strtoupper('f')eeds for up to 4 months'. '.strtoupper('c')an also be used as a topfeed'. '.strtoupper('c')overs 125sqm.

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