Ego Power Lb5300e Cordless Leaf Blower No Battery Charger

Summary Details: The ego 56v lb5300e cordless leaf blower is a light weight but powerful hand held blower built for domestic gardens'. '.strtoupper('t')his powerful leaf blower can give you up to 225 minutes of running time with 7.5ah battery at low speed, plenty for the a...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£135.00
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£135.00
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£135.00

Lawn Mowers - Quality products for the professional trade user or casual gardener including lawn mowers, brushcutters, strimmers, chainsaws, cement mixers, cordless garden tools, ride on mowers, rakes, garden rollers, shredders, lawn scarifiers, sweepers, tree pole pru

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The ego 56v lb5300e cordless leaf blower is a light weight but powerful hand held blower built for domestic gardens'. '.strtoupper('t')his powerful leaf blower can give you up to 225 minutes of running time with 7.5ah battery at low speed, plenty for the average sized garden to be blown clear of debris leaf litter'. '.strtoupper('t')ry to clear any leaves whilst they are dry as once wet and trodden in, leaves are extremely difficult to then remove'. '.strtoupper('t')he large diameter blowing tube gives maximum air flow an extra attachment helps to divert the air flow for a greater range.the ego brushless motor is compact in design produces low vibrations, a longer run time overall extended motor life.the ego lb 5300e blower uses finger tip controlled variable speed and a turbo boost button which blows at 895m3 h'. '.strtoupper('t')his is more powerful than many petrol powered leaf blowers.the ego power plus lb5300e blower can be used with any battery in the ego power range.please note does not include a battery or chargerspecificationsmodel ego lb5300etype cordless leaf blowerrun time up to 225 minutes with 56v 7.5ah battery fitted not incl'. '.strtoupper('r')unning times will vary depending on battery size and the speed setting of the blower.motor brushlessspeed setting variablevariable speed ranges from 440 – 675m3 hturbo boost blows at 895m3 hweight 2.1kg without batterywarranty manufacturer's 5 year domestic, 12 month commercial

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