Hyundai Hybv3000e Electric Leaf Blower And Garden Vac

Summary Details: The hyundai hybv3000e is a great electric leaf blower and garden vac'. '.strtoupper('n')ot only can it tidy the garden by blowing away leaves it can also collect and shred them'. '.strtoupper('c')ollected material is reduced down to 1 10 of the size, so m...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£51.98
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£51.98
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£51.98

Lawn Mowers - Quality products for the professional trade user or casual gardener including lawn mowers, brushcutters, strimmers, chainsaws, cement mixers, cordless garden tools, ride on mowers, rakes, garden rollers, shredders, lawn scarifiers, sweepers, tree pole pru

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The hyundai hybv3000e is a great electric leaf blower and garden vac'. '.strtoupper('n')ot only can it tidy the garden by blowing away leaves it can also collect and shred them'. '.strtoupper('c')ollected material is reduced down to 1 10 of the size, so more can be compacted into the 45l shredding bag.the hybv 3000e features a telescopic chute which can be adjusted to 9 settings to suit each user'. '.strtoupper('a')djusting from 70 – 100cm allows for the best operating position'. '.strtoupper('t')he chute has 2 running wheels at the bottom so the blower can be wheeled across the lawn and around the garden for your convenience'. '.strtoupper('f')or increased comfort, it also has a padded shoulder strap.the controls for variable speed options and the blow vac switch are conveniently placed'. '.strtoupper('t')he 3000w electric motor can produce a maximum airspeed of 186mph'. '.strtoupper('

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