Hyundai Hyc60li 60v Cordless 12 Chainsaw C W Battery And Charger

Summary Details: The hyc60li 60v cordless chainsaw comes with a 2.5ah battery and charger'. '.strtoupper('t')he supplied battery will give a runtime of 80 minutes or 100 cuts and is recharged in 45 minutes'. '.strtoupper('f')itted with a durable 12” oregon bar and chain,...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£265.99
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  • Total Cost:£265.99

Lawn Mowers - Quality products for the professional trade user or casual gardener including lawn mowers, brushcutters, strimmers, chainsaws, cement mixers, cordless garden tools, ride on mowers, rakes, garden rollers, shredders, lawn scarifiers, sweepers, tree pole pru

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The hyc60li 60v cordless chainsaw comes with a 2.5ah battery and charger'. '.strtoupper('t')he supplied battery will give a runtime of 80 minutes or 100 cuts and is recharged in 45 minutes'. '.strtoupper('f')itted with a durable 12” oregon bar and chain, the hyc60li is built for firewood, pruning and domestic use around the garden'. '.strtoupper('i')ts brushless motor is efficient and quiet running'. '.strtoupper('h')yundai use high spec lg batteries which have a life span of 1000 charges'. '.strtoupper('c')ordless machines have the same torque as a small petrol engine, but without the fumes and maintenance costs'. '.strtoupper('b')attery power is environmentally friendly and is ideal for working in areas where noise may be an issue'. '.strtoupper('h')yc60li chainsaw featuresbrushless motor2.5ah 60v lithium ion batterycharger hy60vlich2oregon bar chain high speed chainanti kick back chain brake tool less chain tensioningautomatic chain oilingthe hyc60li is a lightweight and compact chainsaw which is suitable for a novice as well as an experienced chainsaw user'. '.strtoupper('f')or safety, the saw has an anti kick back chain brake.the quality oregon chain will be longer lasting thanks to the automatic chain oiling.supplied with battery and charger.specificationmotor brushlessvoltage 60vruntime with a 2ah battery up to 80 mins 100 cuts per chargecharge time 45 minsbar length 30.5cm 12”chain speed 15m sno load speed 8200.00rpmweight gross 5.57kgwarranty hyundai 3 year

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