Stiga Sbp375 Petrol Backpack Leaf Blower

Summary Details: The stiga sbp375 is a powerful petrol backpack leaf blower'. '.strtoupper('e')ngineered by stiga for clearing large areas, the sbp375 has an operating speed of 4800rpm and a maximum air speed of 100 m s'. '.strtoupper('t')he powerful 2 stroke engine and ...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£399.00
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  • Total Cost:£399.00

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The stiga sbp375 is a powerful petrol backpack leaf blower'. '.strtoupper('e')ngineered by stiga for clearing large areas, the sbp375 has an operating speed of 4800rpm and a maximum air speed of 100 m s'. '.strtoupper('t')he powerful 2 stroke engine and generous 2 litre fuel tank will give you all the working power you need to clear stubborn leaves and debris. the backpack design is comfortable and leaves your hands free to operate the ergonomic joystick control'. '.strtoupper('t')he stiga sbp375 is fitted with an anti vibration system to reduce vibrations through the hands and arms.specificationsmodel sbp375engine 75.6cc 2 strokeoperating speed 4800 rpmidling speed 2600 rpmnet power output 3.1kwfuel tank capacity 2.1 ltrbackpack knapsack harnessweight 11.6kgwarranty 2 years domestic

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