Elegance Trellis Gothic

Summary Details: These trellises can be easily screwed straight to the wall as a traditional trellis panel or mounted on matching fence poles to create a free standing screen'. '.strtoupper('e')legance screens are available in many shapes and colours product legs are desig...
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Agriframes - Renowned for our crafting durability and excellent quality, discover a range of strong garden structures that are guaranteed to last for 15 years. Create your own bespoke garden structure and transform your garden into a beautiful tranquil space.

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These trellises can be easily screwed straight to the wall as a traditional trellis panel or mounted on matching fence poles to create a free standing screen'. '.strtoupper('e')legance screens are available in many shapes and colours product legs are designed to be inserted 20cm into the ground'. '.strtoupper('h')eights indicated are above ground heights after installation'. '.strtoupper('a')dd an elegance fence pole to join two screens together'! '.strtoupper('h')150cm self assembly required.

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