Large Kerb Bn Upright External Angle Acc G Charcoal 200x125

Summary Details: Bradstone block kerbs are practical, helping prevent vehicle overrun where lawned areas butt right up to driveways'. '.strtoupper('t')hey also fulfil a key aesthetic function and can be used in a variety of ways to create different profiles.available in tw...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£10.88
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  • Total Cost:£10.88

Simply Paving - Paving from leading UK manufacturers including Bradstone and Stoneflair. Our products include natural stone paving, premium natural stone paving, block paving, circles and shapes, carpet stones and setts, walling, edging, coping, stepping stones, pebbles

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Bradstone block kerbs are practical, helping prevent vehicle overrun where lawned areas butt right up to driveways'. '.strtoupper('t')hey also fulfil a key aesthetic function and can be used in a variety of ways to create different profiles.available in two complementary shades brindle and charcoal, and three sizes small, medium and large medium kerbs are only available in charcoal designed to complement and enhance our block paving solutions. there are 10 kerbs to a linear metre.

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