90cm Square Table Aruba

Summary Details: 90cm square table aruba..'. '.strtoupper('t')his sleek aruba square table is flawless'. '.strtoupper('m')ade from a stunning fine grained, foilated, homogeneous metamorphic rock and manufactured in italy, this dining set is the perfect way to add a touch o...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£399.99
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
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  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£399.99

The Garden Furniture Centre - We stock a wide range of garden furniture and garden accessories for the outdoor living space. Relax in a hammock or put your feet-up with our outdoor Rattan sofa sets and sun loungers, not forgetting a wide range of gazebos, benches, parasols and dining

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90cm square table aruba..'. '.strtoupper('t')his sleek aruba square table is flawless'. '.strtoupper('m')ade from a stunning fine grained, foilated, homogeneous metamorphic rock and manufactured in italy, this dining set is the perfect way to add a touch of modernistic style to your outdoor area'. '.strtoupper('w')hat's more, the stone is derived from an original shale type sedimentary rock composed of clay ash through regional metamorphism'. '.strtoupper('i')t is the absolute finest grained, foliated metamorphic rock'! '.strtoupper('t')he frames of both the table is durable and weather resistant, so you can leave this dining set out whatever the weather!  this set is perfect for hosting tremendous dinner parties in your contemporary gardens'! '.strtoupper('t')he neighbours will be jealous'! '.strtoupper('

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