Breathable Steamer Lounger Weather Cover

Summary Details: Breathable steamer lounger weather cover..'. '.strtoupper('a') very durable weather cover that is perfect for protecting your steamer lounger and many other types of outdoor seating'. '.strtoupper('e')very cover is made from high quality heavy weight mater...
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  • Total Cost:£22.99

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Breathable steamer lounger weather cover..'. '.strtoupper('a') very durable weather cover that is perfect for protecting your steamer lounger and many other types of outdoor seating'. '.strtoupper('e')very cover is made from high quality heavy weight materials to extend the life of your lounger'. '.strtoupper('p')rotect your patio furniture today and make it last years longer'. '.strtoupper('p')lease note this weather cover comes in grey.  specifications provides uv protection breathable fabric reduces condensation and helps prevent mould and mildew from building up strong double line ripstop polyester, particularly tear resistant and durable drawstring with two toggles and buckle clips to ensure a tight fit'. '.strtoupper('d')ouble stitches sewing line with waterproof tape including a handy storage bag'. '.strtoupper('e')asy to handle and takes up little space when not in use dimensions back height 85cm front height 30cm depth 70cm length160cm

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