Burbage Iron Craft Classic Single Gate

Summary Details: Burbage iron craft classic single gate choose between 838mm 914mm and 991mm opening widths universal specifications top of scrolls height 914mm height at hinge 812mm frame 20mm x 6mm infill bar diameter 10mm scrollwork 10mm x 3mm solid steel construction i...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£59.99
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£59.99
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£59.99

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Burbage iron craft classic single gate choose between 838mm 914mm and 991mm opening widths universal specifications top of scrolls height 914mm height at hinge 812mm frame 20mm x 6mm infill bar diameter 10mm scrollwork 10mm x 3mm solid steel construction includes fittings zinc plated electrogalvanised and powder coated black as a standard suitable metal post styles 50mm x 50mm x 1400mm blank post flat top concretein bp50x1400zp 50mm x 50mm x 1400mm blank post ball top concretein bp50x1400bzp

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