Fiji 8 Chair Rectangular Dining Set

Summary Details: Fiji 8 chair rectangular dining set … exclusive to the garden furniture centre … both the frames and weave on the fiji chairs are 100% recyclable meaning each piece can be recycled without producing waste or damage to the environment'. '.strtoupper('
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  • Normal Retail Price:£2739.91
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£2739.91
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£2739.91

The Garden Furniture Centre - We stock a wide range of garden furniture and garden accessories for the outdoor living space. Relax in a hammock or put your feet-up with our outdoor Rattan sofa sets and sun loungers, not forgetting a wide range of gazebos, benches, parasols and dining

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Fiji 8 chair rectangular dining set … exclusive to the garden furniture centre … both the frames and weave on the fiji chairs are 100% recyclable meaning each piece can be recycled without producing waste or damage to the environment'. '.strtoupper('

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The Garden Furniture Centre£2739.91£2739.91£0.00£2739.91