Oak Garden Meal Table 15m Diameter

Summary Details: Traditionally made oak garden meal table, a country style wooden table, a unique piece of garden furniture built to last'. '.strtoupper('r')ustic oak garden meal table, the timber comes from european ecologically supervised forests'. '.strtoupper('w')e sup...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£399.99
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  • Total Cost:£399.99

The Garden Furniture Centre - We stock a wide range of garden furniture and garden accessories for the outdoor living space. Relax in a hammock or put your feet-up with our outdoor Rattan sofa sets and sun loungers, not forgetting a wide range of gazebos, benches, parasols and dining

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Traditionally made oak garden meal table, a country style wooden table, a unique piece of garden furniture built to last'. '.strtoupper('r')ustic oak garden meal table, the timber comes from european ecologically supervised forests'. '.strtoupper('w')e support sustainable wood management by using fallen oak branches'. '.strtoupper('o')ak table dimensions height 70cm diameter 150cm

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