Regina Root Side Table

Summary Details: Regina side table … transform your indoor or outdoor space with our regina root side table'! '.strtoupper('c')arefully hand crafted from teak root wood in indonesia, this table will add an essence of style and sophistication to certainly be admired in yo...
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  • Total Cost:£299.99

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Regina side table … transform your indoor or outdoor space with our regina root side table'! '.strtoupper('c')arefully hand crafted from teak root wood in indonesia, this table will add an essence of style and sophistication to certainly be admired in your home'! '.strtoupper('t')his table comes complete with a tempered glass top so you can still view the beautiful teak root design wherever you choose to place it'! '.strtoupper('w')hat is teak root wood'? '.strtoupper('s')ourced from indonesian forests, teak root wood is the most durable and robust material that is used to manufacture furniture'! '.strtoupper('t')he root is the oldest and strongest part of a tree which makes it perfect to create some of the most stunning pieces of furniture we have available'! '.strtoupper('d')ue to the nature of the root, it has a very dense grain and high oil content which creates a striking character to each side table'! '.strtoupper('m')uch like all of our root wood furniture, each table will be unique to each other so you will never have two the same'! '.strtoupper('i')t is important to consider the ageing process which teak wood undertakes'. '.strtoupper('i')nitially, it will begin with a reddish brown colour, though over time it will elegantly transform into a silver grey patina'. '.strtoupper('p')lease note the dimensions of each table will vary due to the unique shaping of teak root wood'. '.strtoupper('d')imensions height 61cm glass top 60cm dia base dia 40cm top dia 45cm tempered thickness 8mm 

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