Urban Garden Trolley Red

Summary Details: Urban garden trolley red..'. '.strtoupper('i')ntroducing our new innovative urban garden trolley, an excellent solution created to elevate your gardening experience, so the whole family can get involved'. '.strtoupper('d')esigned with small spaces in mind,...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£199.99
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
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  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£199.99

The Garden Furniture Centre - We stock a wide range of garden furniture and garden accessories for the outdoor living space. Relax in a hammock or put your feet-up with our outdoor Rattan sofa sets and sun loungers, not forgetting a wide range of gazebos, benches, parasols and dining

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Urban garden trolley red..'. '.strtoupper('i')ntroducing our new innovative urban garden trolley, an excellent solution created to elevate your gardening experience, so the whole family can get involved'. '.strtoupper('d')esigned with small spaces in mind, this garden trolley is the ideal way to add a little bit of green to your balcony area'! '.strtoupper('t')he two robust wheels at the front of the trolley are designed to maneuver it around your outdoor or indoor space with ease!  our urban garden trolley has certainly set a new standard for gardening convenience'. '.strtoupper('s')o, no matter what you want to grow whether it be herbs, fruits, vegetables, or a floral display for the neighbours to enjoy, immerse yourself in the sheer pleasure of gardening today!  made from hot dipped galvanized steel alternatively, you could use this as a drinks cooler as shown in images above'! '.strtoupper('d')imensions height  80cm length 75cm width  35cm wheel width from wheel to wheel  50cm    

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