Xilon Root Bottle Stand

Summary Details: Xilon root bottle stand hellip genuinely hand made from individually selected sections of reclaimed teak root this bottle stand wont fail to catch the eye and get friends and family talking'. '.strtoupper('t')he timber is finished with a light wash giving ...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£149.99
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£149.99
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£149.99

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Xilon root bottle stand hellip genuinely hand made from individually selected sections of reclaimed teak root this bottle stand wont fail to catch the eye and get friends and family talking'. '.strtoupper('t')he timber is finished with a light wash giving it a wonderfully rustic appeal throughout ndash a look which is extremely trendy in home deacutecor environments at the moment'. '.strtoupper('t')he bottle holders are made from lacquered steel to add to the rustic appeal and are set sturdily into the timber at 45 degree angles to further add to the quirky character'. '.strtoupper('l')ooks great when full of wine'! '.strtoupper('d')imensions height100cm width 30cm depth 25cm

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