59 X 2 Store Plus Large Wall Log Store

Summary Details: Our store plus large wall store is perfect for storing and drying out all of your firewood'. '.strtoupper('t')he slim and tall design of this log store allows heat to rise and maximises storage space'. '.strtoupper('t')his log store has been designed to at...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£114.99
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£114.99
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£114.99

Shedstore - We are a specialist retailer of quality and value garden sheds, garden storage, summerhouses, log cabins, greenhouses, playhouses and many more garden buildings and storage related products trading online since 2000.

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Our store plus large wall store is perfect for storing and drying out all of your firewood'. '.strtoupper('t')he slim and tall design of this log store allows heat to rise and maximises storage space'. '.strtoupper('t')his log store has been designed to attach to a house wall giving it stability and allowing heat from your house to aid with the drying process so you get the maximum heat benefit from your fire or woodburner'. '.strtoupper('s')upplied with fixings and instructions for easy assembly'. '.strtoupper('l')ogs not supplied.

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