65 X 211 Trimetals Storeguard Metal Garden Storage Unit 19

Summary Details: The storeguard from the trimetals storage units range'. '.strtoupper('p')recision engineered in either all cream or modern two tone olive green a raised 12mm plywood internal floor kit, hasp padlocks to front and or free standing shelving kits 2 max per un...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£449.99
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£449.99
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£449.99

Shedstore - We are a specialist retailer of quality and value garden sheds, garden storage, summerhouses, log cabins, greenhouses, playhouses and many more garden buildings and storage related products trading online since 2000.

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The storeguard from the trimetals storage units range'. '.strtoupper('p')recision engineered in either all cream or modern two tone olive green a raised 12mm plywood internal floor kit, hasp padlocks to front and or free standing shelving kits 2 max per unit'. '.strtoupper('s')upplied for self assembly only with step by step instructions'. '.strtoupper('a')ll trimetals products must be sited upon a flat and level base concrete or paving slabs.

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