The Anti Boredom Book Of Brilliant Outdoor Things To Do Book

Summary Details: Say goodbye to boredom with this fantastic outdoor boredom buster book'. '.strtoupper('f')rom the hilarious andy seed, winner of the blue peter book award 2015 for best books with facts comes the fantastically busy anti boredom book of brilliant outdoor th...
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Say goodbye to boredom with this fantastic outdoor boredom buster book'. '.strtoupper('f')rom the hilarious andy seed, winner of the blue peter book award 2015 for best books with facts comes the fantastically busy anti boredom book of brilliant outdoor things to do'. '.strtoupper('t')he outdoors are boring right'? '.strtoupper('n')ot when youaposve got andy seedaposs anti boredom book of brilliant outdoor things to do.  suitable for all seasons, find out how to set bug traps, create a rainbow, construct an amazing summer slide and much, much more'. '.strtoupper('b')ut what about those rainy summer days we hear you cry'? '.strtoupper('n')ot a problem'. '.strtoupper('t')he book also includes awesome indoor activities about the outdoors for rainy days'. '.strtoupper('d')esign your own mini parachute, create the worlds most amazing frisbee, or create a bird feeder to keep your feathered friends well fed'. '.strtoupper('a') brilliant book bursting with amazing outdoor activities that will have you running for the door'. '.strtoupper('p')acked full of hilarious illustrations from the wonderful scott garrett, this book will keep you entertained

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