Wildlife Wanderings Book

Summary Details: In this enchanting book david baileyaposs lifelong love for nature is captured superbly with images and stories of hares suffering bad hair days, ballerina spoonbills, love bite adders, cheesy goats and members of the royal family forty seven uk species ar...
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CJ Wildlife - We offer a wide variety of high-quality products for garden birds, hedgehogs, squirrels, bats and insects. In addition to our wild bird and wildlife foods, we also supply our own nest boxes, bird boxes, hedgehog houses, squirrel houses and frog bunkers.

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In this enchanting book david baileyaposs lifelong love for nature is captured superbly with images and stories of hares suffering bad hair days, ballerina spoonbills, love bite adders, cheesy goats and members of the royal family forty seven uk species are featured in total'. '.strtoupper('f')our years of dedicated work have resulted in this book of stunning photographs accompanying the images are david baileyaposs personal observations and vibrant stories from the light hearted to the occasionally controversial'. '.strtoupper('t')he four chapters follow the seasons, each section featuring the species you can expect to find during that period of the year, from winter migrants, those who hibernate or are nocturnal, to our all year round residents'. '.strtoupper('e')asy reading for all ages and backgrounds, the images along tell their own magnificent story, wildlife wanderings also includes occasional advice about field craft and camera techniques for the budding naturalist and photographer.

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