6x3 Palram Grey Skylight Shed

Summary Details: At 6x3, this grey skylight shed 6x3 is a handy storage space for small time storage'. '.strtoupper('p')alram has created a unique design that utilises polycarbonate instead of timber or metal and therefore will not require traditional treatment, preventing...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£309.99
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  • Total Cost:£309.99

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At 6x3, this grey skylight shed 6x3 is a handy storage space for small time storage'. '.strtoupper('p')alram has created a unique design that utilises polycarbonate instead of timber or metal and therefore will not require traditional treatment, preventing costs from building up'. '.strtoupper('t')he skylight shed 6x3 has a clever design that does not need bulky windows'. '.strtoupper('i')nstead it uses a special skylight technology that is opaque and lets through light during the day preventing the need for potentially dangerous electric lights'. '.strtoupper('d')ue to it having no windows, you are less likely to be targeted by intruders, reducing the chance of distress in the future'. '.strtoupper('t')he skylight shed 6x3 is made from two core materials, a galvanised aluminium frame and then polycarbonate to create the walls, roof and flooring'. '.strtoupper('t')he polycarbonate is uv stable so you do not see the fading and cracking some plastics get over age'. '.strtoupper('p')olycarbonate is fantastic as it leaves no chance for weather to enter keeping your items protected even in harsh rai...

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