This skylight shed 4x6 is a great addition to any garden space offering safe and secure storage for smaller tools and frequently used items'. '.strtoupper('t')he shed is perfect for tables and chairs and patio furniture too'. '.strtoupper('t')he skylight...
Price: £309.99
At 6x3, this grey skylight shed 6x3 is a handy storage space for small time storage'. '.strtoupper('p')alram has created a unique design that utilises polycarbonate instead of timber or metal and therefore will not require traditional treatment, preventing...
Price: £309.99
The skylight shed 6x8 is a great sized storage shed that combines top materials with a fantastic design to make a unique garden building'. '.strtoupper('i')nstead of traditional timber the shed is constructed from polycarbonate, a tough plastic that will...
Price: £469.99